Volume 33 Issue 6 08 Mar 2024 28 Adar I 5784

Primary News

Katie Brody – Director of Students K-6

Year 3 and Year 5

NAPLAN gives teachers and parents a picture of several aspects of students’ learning. These include: their performance under test conditions, their basic use of punctuation, grammar, spelling, numeracy skills and their ability to write a persuasive text or an imaginative text (Narrative). This timed assessment experience is an important snapshot of each student’s literacy skills, numeracy skills and writing ability at a point in time. These tasks provide teachers with data relating to student progress and it helps to inform next steps for teaching and learning. This type of task isn’t reflective of the rich learning that occurs throughout the weeks. Classroom life is a mix of independent and collaborative learning, creativity, scaffolding and support, problem-solving and discovery methods. All these are essential in the process of developing a breadth of knowledge, deep understanding and a wide range of literacy, numeracy, language, creative, technological, physical and interdisciplinary skills. In addition to this, learning is about equipping students with the self-management skills and interpersonal skills that make them successful, well-rounded young people. 

Our class teachers have been supporting the students to prepare for the tasks they will face and to recognise the effort needed for NAPLAN amongst the myriad of other tasks, assignments, tests and assessments we do throughout the year. We have explored the NAPLAN demonstration site to recognise the various question types and we have continued with our explicit teaching of knowledge and skills in all key learning areas, encouraging students to engage and persevere. 

As NAPLAN approaches, some students may feel some trepidation about working under test conditions. Please know that we aim to create a sense of calm in the structures required and whilst we will certainly encourage students to do their best and utilise sound advice in relation to test taking, they do need to keep the purpose of NAPLAN in perspective and feel proud when they have completed each task.   

Four tips to help your child in the lead up to NAPLAN

Prepare for the day

Good preparation is the key. Going to bed early the night before, having a healthy breakfast to start the day. Keep stress levels low and arrive at school a little earlier. Don’t forget to wish them good luck! If you wish to spend time with your child further exploring the NAPLAN demonstration site, see below.

Discuss their feelings and concerns

Tests commonly bring out feelings of anxiety, so let your child know that these feelings are normal. Listen to their concerns, show empathy and maintain a caring and positive attitude. More often than not talking about their fears can help to lessen these feelings.

Encourage them ‘to give it a go’ and ‘try their best’

NAPLAN is not supposed to be a test of the students but rather a check to make sure that Australia is providing the best educational outcomes for children. Encourage your child to give it a go and try their best.

Keep NAPLAN in perspective

Remember that NAPLAN is just one assessment and that teachers and the school use this information, in conjunction with numerous other data, to determine a students’ academic level. It is important for your child to understand that their success is not determined by this one test.


Emanuel Primary NAPLAN Schedule 2024


13 March 2024

14 March 2024

18 March 2024

19 March 2024

21 March 2024

Year 3

 Writing Task (paper) 


Grammar & Spelling


Year 5

Writing Task (typed)


Grammar & Spelling



Note: Catch up testing opportunities will be in place for students who miss a NAPLAN task due to illness. This will take place at school during lesson times. The NAPLAN testing platform closes after Monday 25 March 2024.

Additional information for parents about the National Assessment Program can be found on these websites:   

  1. Click here for the parent information brochure.
  2. Click here for the public demonstration site mentioned above.
  3. Click here to access further parent and carer information.
  4. Click here for further information about the adaptive nature of NAPLAN online.