Volume 33 Issue 6 08 Mar 2024 28 Adar I 5784

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Making a Difference Project

Year 6 students’ Making a Difference Project focuses on building intergenerational connections within our community. We have begun this project with visits to The Burger Centre to chat, connect, play board games and do other activities with the clients who come to the Centre. Our students have shown great interest in being part of this and we will rotate through the students after a couple of visits to give as many as possible the opportunity to visit. The walk back to school is always filled with interesting conversations and reflections for our time there. 

This week we gave a concert for the clients, encouraging them to sing and clap along with us. With Leo Fischer on guitar, students sung some of our favourite Hebrew songs and taught the hand movements to Kol HaOlam Kulo

Kol HaKavod to the students involved for being so engaging, responsible and enthusiastic during their interactions with The Burger Centre’s clients and staff.