Volume 26 Issue 30 27 Oct 2017 7 Heshvan 5778

Primary Mentoring

Colleen Elkins – Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator


“If we want them to achieve, we must link them with achievers. One plus one – Pass it on.” (H. Weinberg, The Public Television Outreach Alliance).

We are so proud of and grateful to our Emanuel students who are serving as mentors to some of our highly capable Primary School students. The mentors’ efforts are invaluable in successfully supporting these students who may be in need of role models, social/emotional support or a person to share and develop their passion with.

We have a number of individual Primary School students connected with a High School mentor to fulfil this particular need. The selflessness of these mentors is inspirational as is their passion for getting the best out of their mentees.

Our most recent addition to this program (during Term 3) is the Year 4 Writing Club that is run by a Year 6 student, Alix Cane. This club meets once a week to share writing techniques and how to draft and craft satisfying pieces of writing. At present, students are working on poems following a particular theme. The excitement, passion and fervour about finding just the right word or description is a joy to see. Most inspiring of all is that the activity is completely student-run and that the enthusiasm shown by all is palpable.

We also have a few Year 7 Mathematics students who are working with Year 3 (in Mrs Pardy’s class) to explain challenging problems. These students are setting a challenge each fortnight for the group to solve and then are present to discuss best ways to go about solving problems.

Below is a ‘hot off the press’ poem by Ashley Cohn (Year 4)

Ashley Cohn – Year 4

My poem – Writing club

Surrounded and Alone

I wasn’t just on a stage about to face millions of people, I was about to dive into waters among thousands of bloodthirsty sharks. 

It was such a simple process, grab the microphone, nod to the musician and sing.

But I had so many questions.

What if I forgot the words? What if I was out of tune? What if I got freaked out? What if… What if… What if I couldn’t do it?

I tried to escape to the wings but it was too late. Too late for regrets. I had to finish what I started years ago.