Volume 26 Issue 30 27 Oct 2017 7 Heshvan 5778

Parent Wellbeing evening

Ashne Amoils – Wellbeing Madrica

One of the long-standing goals of Emanuel School has been to support not only their students’ academic journey, but to ensure that each student attains their maximum level of wellbeing, so that each may become their best selves and unlock their full potential. To achieve this, a variety of outstanding presenters – each experts in their field – are invited annually to present to the students and educate them on some of the tougher topics out there. On Monday 30 October, Emanuel Parents with students in Years 5-12 are invited to what will be an incredible evening, where you get to hear from these experts first hand and get a glimpse into the various Wellbeing programs experienced by your children at school and ask the questions that perhaps your sons and daughters wish you wouldn’t.

Please note:

This is not an event for students; we know you love them (sometimes), but please… leave your offspring at home!