Issue 32 Volume 27 08 Sep 2023 22 Elul 5783

Primary Gross Motor Leaders

Gross Motor is a program run by Year 6 students every week on Tuesday and
Wednesday in Period 0.

We teach Years K-2 about different fun and sporty activities.

These activities help the students learn different techniques and manouvers that will help them with their sport and athletics. Some of the activities involve hula hoops, skipping, hopscotch and more.

We try to make Gross Motor mornings super fun for the younger students. We include them in our games and sometimes play alongside them. 

As leaders of the Gross Motor activities we have so much fun teaching younger students and connecting with them to make friendships. 

By Jesse S, Liam G, Eitan S, Ariel E, Aaron W and Noah M.
Year 6 Gross Motor Leaders