Volume 32 Issue 14 25 May 2023 5 Sivan 5783

Primary Art Leaders

Recently, the Year 6 Students went to Canberra on camp. We had so much fun! One of the activities was attending the National Art Gallery, where we learnt all about the different types of art, and saw lots of different artworks. These included Aboriginal artworks, abstract artworks, sculptures and many more!

Many of us had varying opinions on the art we viewed. This is because art can be interpreted in any way. It is simply up to the audience. All of these artworks were special and unique in their own way. Some made us feel happy and excited, and some made us feel sad or confused.

One of our favourite artworks was the painting of Campbell’s Soup by Andy Warhol. We all found this exciting and interesting, because we’d never seen anything like it before. Overall, the Art Gallery was one of the highlights of our experience and a great way to begin our three day camp.

By Ivy Kery, Eve Revelman, Ty Cristescu, Jessica Levy and Jenna Fine
Year 6 Art Leaders