Volume 32 Issue 14 25 May 2023 5 Sivan 5783

Celebrating House Music

High School House Music

Monday afternoon was a fun-filled time, showcasing the creative talent of all High School students. The Lehrer Family Building (MPH) was filled with music, dancing, cheers and laughter as each House performed their set with  gusto.

A special mention goes to the House Madrichim, who, with the help of their Year 12 cohort, organised the afternoon, spending countless hours on their detailed planning.

Mazel tov to all involved!

House Madrichim

Meir Madrichim: Ma’ayan Granot and Jamie Schneider
Rabin Madrichim: Daniel Langman and Tess Endry
Rashi Madrichim: Ariella Melamed and Jake Sharp
Szenes Madrichim: Ruby Miller and Jake Newfield

Winning performances

X-factor – Szenes House
Small House – Meir House
House Dance – Rashi House

Congratulations to overall winning House – Meir House!

By The Heads of House

Thank you to Ofer Levy for capturing this annual event in photographs. Here is a selection of images to enjoy: