Volume 28 Issue 30 20 Sep 2019 20 Elul 5779

National Literacy and Numeracy Week

Katie Narunsky – Primary Maths Support

Last week we celebrated Numeracy Week 2019. The students took part in activities that included  ‘Catch-an-Idea’ moments, Suduko puzzles with a sweet twist, Ken-Kens, brainteasers, riddles and classroom cooking.


Thank you to everybody who took part in the Catch-an-Idea’ competition. It was wonderful to see so many amazing mathematical ideas captured around us.

The winners of the competition are: Boaz Simhi (Year 5) and Toni Sher (Year 5)

“This is a mathematical moment because it is a shape as a shadow.” Toni Sher

Below is Boaz Simhi’s winning entry.


Answers to maths brainteasers in Ma Nishma Week 6

What three numbers have the same answer when added together and multiplied together?  3, 2 and 1

What has to be broken before you can use it? An egg