Volume 28 Issue 30 20 Sep 2019 20 Elul 5779

From Year 4 reporters

Mission to Mars 

As it is the 50th anniversary since the landing on the moon and there is lots of talk about NASA’s planned Mission to Mars, we decided to interview people on their feelings about travel to Mars. 

We asked: Do you think we should be spending money trying to send people to Mars? 

Do you think we should be looking at Mars for human habitation? 

Should money be spent on space travel or would it be better used on Earth? 

Click on this link to watch our interviews. 

 What is your opinion on the topic? 

If you would like to add your opinions to the survey, click on the link below. (Emanuel email sign in.) 



Leah Joshua, Sofia Berkovic, Sanne Nathan and Rebecca Salamon