Volume 26 Issue 14 19 May 2017 23 Iyyar 5777

Music Camp

2017 Music Camp T-shirt Design competition

We are pleased to announce the winner of our inaugural Music Camp T-Shirt Design competition. Congratulations to Samara Trenaman in Year 9 (Visual Arts Elective) for her creative and eye-catching design. Samara’s design will be revealed at the Music Camp concert on Thursday 8 June and will also feature as the front cover for our concert program. Well done, Samara!

Further information and packing list for Music Camp

Our participants’ list for Music Camp has been finalised and a detailed information letter with a packing list will be sent out to attendees in due course.  If you are unsure whether you have registered or not, please check your name is on the lists on the noticeboard in the Music Department.