Volume 26 Issue 14 19 May 2017 23 Iyyar 5777

Striding out together

Michelle Favero – Marketing and Communications Manager

Striding out together

On Sunday, a group of eager Emanuel kids, their mums, grandmothers and fathers stepped out in their Emanuel Striders t-shirts to walk or run the Mothers Day Classic. Every year our team, co-ordinated by the Gesher committee, gets larger and the fun factor increases in proportion. The children run ahead, then turn back to their mums, only to sprint ahead again, bouncing around like Tigger. The older kids pretend to be a touch bored, but the smiles soon appear as the atmosphere of the day does its magic spell.

Emanuel parent Natasha Nesher had a wonderful and meaningful day out. “I had a lovely walk with my daughters and could not think of a better way to have spent my Mothers Day morning than by honouring my mother who is a breast cancer survivor of nine years.

“My husband Jonathan, who is an avid marathon runner, ran the 8km race and came third! We are so proud. Thank you for making us feel a part of the Emanuel School family.”

Kudos to all the Emanuel School Striders and to Jonathan for his great achievement.

Thanks to all those who sponsored our team. We raised over $700, which will help the National Breast Cancer Foundation to continue their invaluable work.