Volume 29 Issue 7 13 Mar 2020 17 Adar 5780

Ma Koreh

Hagit Bar-On – Head of Hebrew K-6

Purim celebrations 

Our school, staff and students transformed this week for Purim celebrations. The day began with lots of ruach, dancing and a display of amazing and creative costumes. The day was filled with many of the customs and mitzvot of Purim, including:

  • Purim Shuk – filled with activities, games and Purim fun, run by the amazing Year 6 students 
  • Learning about the mitzvah of מִשְׁלוֹחַ מָנוֹת sending portions to others, and then decorating our own bags to share with someone in our class
  • Learning about the mitzvah מַתָּנוֹת לָאֶבְיוֹנִים of giving to the needy and bringing in food and toiletries
  • Making our own oznei Haman to enjoy in our Purim feast
  • Decorating masks and making ra’ashanim

After lunch we heard the Purim story and a Megillah reading. Year 6 Hebrew students read parts of the megillah in Hebrew and the wonderful dramatic Jestar, participated in acting out Purim scenes. The audience cheered Esther, boo-ed Haman and enjoyed their mishloach manot and hamantaschen.

Below are a couple of student interviews about our Purim celebrations by the Primary Jewish Life Team: Suzy Garbuz, Akeisha Kantor, Gabriella Karro, Lewis Faktor, Oscar Saul and Boza Simhi 

Alessandra Healy – Year 1

Q: What did you like about Purim yesterday?
A: Going to the shuk.

Q: Did you have a favourite stall?
A: The shooting arrows at Haman.

Q: Why did you enjoy it?
A: I enjoyed it because I got to shoot Haman.

Q: Do you think next year we should do the shuk again?
A: Yes.

India Pezaro – Year 3

Q: What did you enjoy the most about Purim?
A: The physical activities with Mr T.

Q: Did you enjoy the shuk?
A: Yes.

Q: What was your favourite stall?
A: The photo booth.

Q: Why did you enjoy it?
A: Just because I found what we were doing there was fun.