Volume 29 Issue 7 13 Mar 2020 17 Adar 5780

Meir Advocate

Hi Everyone! We hope you have enjoyed your week and are ready for the amazing weekend that lies ahead. 

Term motto 

This term’s motto is kindness first. As a House we are trying to focus on being kind to one another and remember how a simple few words like “your presentation was really good!” can really make someone’s day. Whether this be a classmate or a teacher, always try to put kindness first. We encourage everyone to remember to be kind to one another and this week try to give someone a compliment that isn’t about appearance but is about their personality. In order to get the ball rolling on this idea we played a game of compliment tennis. Two amazing Year 11 volunteers showed us all of us how to play this and really emphasised the importance of being kind to one another. We also watched this video telling us twenty things we should say more often. We really hope that everyone tries to remember to say these twenty things more often and put kindness first. To view the video please click here      


On Tuesday, the High School celebrated Purim! Everyone looked amazing and there were tons of great activities run by Mr Bloom, Samo, Yael, Maya, Asher and the Madrichim. From Grease by the staff to Ms Bishop’s beehive, everyone was so involved. It’s incredible to see how much everyone loves getting dressed up and celebrating this amazing chag. We hope to see everyone put so much enthusiasm (and ruach) into the Jewish Life activities and events in the future. 

Meet the new Year 7s

This week, we wanted to get to know some of the new Year 7s and what they think of High School so far, so we interviewed three Year 7 Meirians: Ben, Dalia and Liberty. 

What scares you about High School? 
Ben: Having to go to the Administration Building
Dalia:  Having to manage a lot more work and studying for tests. 
Liberty: Being the youngest and not really knowing what is happening. 

What are you enjoying about High School so far? 
Ben: The extracurricular music program. 
Dalia: Having more responsibility.
Liberty: Having lots of different teachers and classes. 

What do you love about Meir? 
Ben: Dean Reuveny (and all the other peer support).
Daliah: How supportive Meir is and how encouraging they are.
Liberty: How welcoming the house is and how kind everyone is. 

They also said how much they are loving the Tutor and Peer Support Program. 

What is your spirit animal? 
Ben: Wolf 
Daliah: Cavoodle 
Liberty: Pegasus

Just a reminder that House Music is on the Tuesday of Week Nine! So remember to bring to wear green and dance your heart out. 

Hope everyone is having a great term so far, 

Your Meir editors – Maayan and Ally