Volume 27 Issue 19 29 Jun 2018 16 Tammuz 5778

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter | Head of Jewish Studies Primary

On Thursday, parents and grandparents of the Year 4 students were invited to attend a special Primary School Torah Service and Tanakh presentation ceremony. Each child’s Tanakh had been lovingly decorated and personalised with family histories, stories, photographs and blessings in preparation for the ceremony. To symbolise the passing on of the Torah from generation to generation, 3 generations of Daniel Zipser’s family took the Torah from the Ark and carried it around the community. Called to the Torah to represent all of our Year 4 students and their families, were cousins Gideon Owen and Jessica Smith with their parents, siblings and their grandfather. Morah Gaida chanted Torah for us and our tefillah was filled with ruach, led by our madrichim and the students.

Year 4 students performed the songs על שלושה דברים  (al shlosha devarim) and עץ חיים (etz chayim) to their families, with some students sharing their analysis and interpretation of why the Torah is called an עץ חיים (Tree of Life).

Noa: “The Torah is a tree of life because it links all of the Jewish communities around the world, like the roots of a tree that links it to other trees.”

Xander: “The Torah is a tree of life because the branches are connected to one trunk, the Jewish community. Each person has a branch to take care of and grow.”

Elke: “The Torah is like the Tree of Life because a tree sheds its bark, like a new generation of people. Every generation of Jewish people represents the new bark which protects the Torah – the Tree of Life.”

Sam: “The roots on the tree gives life to the trees, which is like the roots of the Torah that gives the Jewish people life.”

Jacob: “The Tree of Life links people all over the world with its branches and the Torah links people with its wisdom.”

Before passing on the Tanakh to their child, parents were led in the birkat banim – the blessing over the children. This beautiful ceremony was followed by hugs, kisses and the singing of Siman tov u’ mazal tov. The pride and delight expressed by the children and their families over the giving of the Tanakh was something very special to witness. Families shared a quiet moment at the end of the ceremony to read over and share the personalised messages and decorations with their child. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and family members who were able to attend the ceremony and for the love and care put into personalising each Tanakh.

Thank you to Ofer Levy for capturing these special memories.