Volume 27 Issue 19 29 Jun 2018 16 Tammuz 5778

Year 5 Hebrew

On Friday 22 June, Year 5 students put on a כובע (hat) and took some מים  (water) and went on טיול לפארק  (excursion to the park) – Frank Doyle Park. In the park, students played a Hebrew משחק  (game) Scavenger Hunt in groups. After the game, the students watched an amazing play about אברהם ושרה (Avraham and Sarah). The famous couple invited the students לאכול ולשתות (to eat and drink) traditional food from ארץ ישראל  (Israel). Students had אוכל  (food) such as: פיתה, חומוס, לבנה, זיתים, שמן זית (pita, chumus, labane, olives, olive oil). At the end of the trip we played a few משחקים (games) in the park and walked back to בית ספר (school). It was fun and active and concluded the topic of טיול (trip). 

שלום ותודה (Thanks and goodbye)

Year 5 Hebrew teachers