Volume 33 Issue 10 05 Apr 2024 26 Adar II 5784

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Pesach preparations

We began our Pesach preparations and celebrations in earnest this week.

Our Food Lab was busy with Parent helpers making charoset and preparing the ritual seder foods for students to taste and use as part of their Pesach preparations and learning. 

Todah to the P&F and our parents volunteers for helping this week and for  the help next week with the Year 6 Pesach event and the multiple High School Sederim happening on the last day of term. During tefillah, Hebrew and Jewish Studies lessons, we have been singing songs, reminding ourselves of the Exodus story and the Pesach symbols.

Years K-2 students and teachers have been busy rehearsing and preparing for next week’s K-2 Pesach drama extravaganza. 

Students in Year 4 and Year 5 held a seder in their classrooms during their Hebrew lessons this week. This provided an opportunity for students to delve into the Hagaddah, discuss the meaning and symbolism of the seder rituals and foods, sing songs and enjoy some of the symbolic Pesach foods before their own family seder.