Volume 26 Issue 7 17 Mar 2017 19 Adar 5777

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Primary Head of Jewish Life

Weekly Torah Portion

Parashat Ki Tissa Exodus 30:11 – 34:25

This week’s parashah תשא כיKi Tissa, is filled with drama as it contains the infamous episode of the Golden Calf.  The Torah reminds us about the Israelites, waiting at the base of Mount Sinai, while Moses was at the top communicating with God for 40 days and nights. Upset at Moshe’s delay, the Israelites approach Aaron to make them an idol, just like they would have done in Egypt. Aaron, a man of peace, complies, and facilitates their building of a golden calf. When Moshe finally returns to the base of the Mountain, he is furious with the people, their lack of faith and patience. Moshe throws the stone Tablets to the ground, smashing them. The Torah later describes Moshe’s consequence, which is to return to the top of the mountain and rewrite the tablets, in his own hand.

Family Discussion

* What are ‘golden calves’ (that which people value above all else) that people worship in our world today?

* The Israelites built the golden calf when they became impatient and frustrated at Moshe’s absence. When is it hardest to wait? What helps you when you are waiting? Why is patience important?  

Yiddish Phrase of the Week

Yiddish is an expressive and colourful language that developed a rich and vivid tradition of insults, some simple and some more elaborate and sophisticated.


Hebrew Words of the Week: דבר

This week’s Hebrew word is one of the most common words that occurs in the Torah in multiple forms and variations.

Year 6 Purim Poetry and Raps

Year 6 students worked in groups to write an original poem or rap to reflect the values and qualities of one of the Purim characters. Here is a sample of their creativity:

Ester Poem

Who am I?

I saved my people

To prove my loyalty

So Haman wasn’t able

To kill the Jews,

I wasn’t very stable

But I pushed on through

And that is how I saved you

I was sweet, loyal and smart

Which helped me play my part

I began to talk to the king

And he was listening

He began to see Haman’s plot

So he immediately put it to a stop

Haman was hung by his own plan

And that is how I saved my clan


Now can you guess who I am?

By: Arielle Melamed, Ella Hart and Ally Cane


Shalom peers I’m Mordechai

I support Jewish people.