Volume 26 Issue 7 17 Mar 2017 19 Adar 5777

Making Hamentashen

Jacki Cohen – Hebrew Teacher

Making Hamentashen Years 9 and Year K

There are moments when one realises how lucky we are to be a pre-K to 12 school. During the week leading up to Purim, our Year K cohort and a group of Year 9 students were able to savour one of those moments when we collaboratively baked a delicious batch of אוזני המן  — Hamentashen!

With their art smocks on and an excited spring in their steps, Year K students, led by Mora Cohen and Mora Bar-On, climbed the stairs to the top of the Brender-Moss building to join Year 9 Design & Technology students. The Year 9 group, led by Mrs Ephron and Mrs Bloom, had pre-prepared the dough. Now it was time to roll, cut and fill the Purim treats.

Hands were washed and sleeves rolled. It didn’t take long for the students to jump in and revel in the collaboration. Year Ks were propped up on milk crates, so that they could reach the tall benches. Older students helped to make sure that the dough was rolled perfectly thin. Rolling pins were shared around so everyone could have a turn.

Puffs of flour rose in the air as little hands worked. The students were quick with the circular cutters and then unstoppably keen to get sticky with spoons of jams. Corners were pinched, scraps were re-rolled and the process began again. 

Some of the Year K students dragged their milk crates over to the ovens, to watch the magical transformation through the glass. They were mesmerised.

When the trays came out of the oven, we were overwhelmed with what seemed like a mountain of golden אוזני המן . The students were treated to two (or more!) each, and there were plenty left over to distribute to teachers as a special treat. Mrs Ephron was inundated with requests to share her secret recipe – a very good sign!