Volume 30 Issue 5 26 Feb 2021 14 Adar 5781

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

JCA Jumpstart Juniors 

Purim program

As part of the many Purim-related activities and learning events that happened throughout the week, today students participated in the Purim mitzvah of מִשְׁלֹוחַ מָנוֹת – mishloach manot sending food gifts to friends.

Children in Years 1-6 received a mishloach manot box to decorate, fill with treats and to give to someone in their class. The box was provided by the JCA’s Jumpstart Juniors program.  

During tefillah this week, students watched the following video explaining one of the important functions of the JCA. 

Later on in the year, JCA will be hosting a Jumpstart Juniors event and they hope to see you there.

To register your interest in the event, please scan the QR code on your child’s mishloach manot box: JCA Jumpstart Juniors box QR Code

What is Jumpstart Juniors?

JCA’s Jumpstart Juniors is a great way to introduce young Jewish children to the importance of being part of our local community and the values of giving charity and helping others.

Jumpstart Juniors:    

  • Provides fun events for children that start the conversation about family giving so that they can continue to discuss this at home
  • Educates children about the importance of giving back to our local community and being role models for each other
  • Showcases stories and touch points that are relatable to children and illustrate the impact of Judaism and charity in our lives

 Thank you and Chag Sameach
on behalf of Isabelle and Justin from Jumpstart and the JCA

Thank you to JCA for all they do to support and nurture our community.