Volume 30 Issue 5 26 Feb 2021 14 Adar 5781


Samantha Bauer – Head of Drama


So exciting to be back at the theatre after so long. Elective Drama students were treated to a riotous musical about love, family, friends and the power to be yourself!

Well worth a listen: Yve Blake, author of FANGIRLS talks about her show!

This is what elective Drama students had to say about FANGIRLS!

“Everything I could have asked for and more from my first drama performance post-COVID.”   Eden Levitt

“Hilarious yet thought-provoking…..Very relatable to teens today!” Dean Reuveny

“FANGIRLS told us through a pumping beat and catchy melodies that the women of the future are so much more than ‘silly little girls’, never underestimate them… It might just get you kidnapped.” Liat Granot

“FANGIRLS is an entertaining and engaging, Australian musical about young women coming together and finding their power.” Maria Lewy

“FANGIRLS was such an entertaining musical, I really felt like I was watching a concert and experiencing what the characters were going through.” Sophie Sawicki