Volume 24 Issue 32 21 Oct 2016 19 Tishri 5777

High School Peer Support


Miranda McMahon – Peer Support Co-ordinator

High School Peer Support

As part of their induction, the new High School leaders participated in a Peer Support training program to help them settle into the role of leaders and build on their existing skills and attributes. The training program is an extension of the Hadracha training program that all Year 10 students attend as part of their Jewish Studies course, which provides them with a strong launch pad for their new position within the School. The students took part in a number of activities which focused on key areas, including effective leadership qualities, facilitating groups, giving clear instructions and encouraging team work. The students were also given support and training in running the Peer Support program and the important role they play in transition and orientation days for incoming Year 7 students. The group approached the day with commitment and enthusiasm and gave insightful answers and observations during activities and debriefing. I am looking forward to working with this fantastic group over the coming year!

Miranda McMahon


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