Volume 24 Issue 32 21 Oct 2016 19 Tishri 5777

From the Principal

Anne Hastings

Anne Hastings – Principal

Staff Development days – Term 4

On the first two days of this term all staff were involved in Staff Development activities, working and learning together to envision Emanuel School in 2026. Led by Consultant Tracey Ezard, we considered the skills that our graduates should have to equip them for a successful and contributing life beyond school. A video featuring a number of successful entrepreneurs and business people from our community set the scene and promoted in-depth thinking about the skills students need for the future in a rapidly changing and digital world. Staff then worked in teams to envision our school in the future.

Common skills mentioned by our video presenters, backed up by research done by the Foundation for the Youth of Australia, include digital literacy, problem solving, creativity, communication, collaboration, organisation and presentation skills, along with flexibility, resilience, the ability to make sense of things and know how things work, within an environment of non-gender specificity. Staff in cross-faculty teams then pondered what Emanuel School would look like if it was meeting the challenge of developing these skills in our students and then what their first steps would be towards achieving this for their subject/teaching area. There is much more thinking and planning to be done, but this day represented a very important step, shared by all staff, in the development of a comprehensive plan for ensuring our students are as well prepared for their future as possible.


Anna Economou and Anne Hastings

Quote from Anna Economou (20 years at Emanuel School) about our Tree of Appreciation and Celebration of Staff

“I just wanted to thank you and the wider school community for the recognition of all the staff members who have contributed to the school over the past five years or more. It was such a thoughtful and meaningful way in which to be recognised and I will personally treasure the experience, warm words and gifts which the Emanuel community bestowed upon me and my fellow colleagues. Thank you for all the efforts you and your staff went to yesterday to make it such a memorable celebration. I think it has again reminded us all just how special Emanuel is and why so many of us have stayed at such a vibrant and innovative place. What a wonderful way to end a day of collaborative learning and looking to the future.”

Three-way conversations for Years 8 and 9

In Week 9 of this term, Years 8 and 9 students will each have the opportunity to lead a 3-way conversation with their teachers and parents to showcase some of their learning over the year. Designed to help students realise that learning is their business and their responsibility – shared with their teachers and parents – these conversations will provide the opportunities for students to discuss some of the standout events/products of their year of learning. The Year 9 afternoon will be on Monday 5 December between 12:00 pm and 3:30 pm and the Year 8 afternoon will be on Wednesday 7 December between 12:00 pm and 3:30 pm. Parents will be receiving a letter describing the details for these afternoons very soon.

Mazal tov to:

  • Aaron Ellis-Bloor, who successfully attained his Associate Diploma (Amus) in saxophone through the AMEB with an excellent report from his examiner. Most students take at least two years to complete their Amus on an instrument and Aaron completed it in only one year.
  • All the students, along with Rabbi Siegel and other teachers, to welcome a group of homeless people to our School for dinner in the sukkah last night
  • Tamara Newman (class of 2004) who brought the Hotline film to Emanuel School on Wednesday and spoke so passionately and eloquently about her experience helping refugees in Israel
  • Genna Radnan (our School Nurse and alumna) for being selected by Murdoch University as one of 25 students to participate in the 4-day Leadership Program on Cultural Intelligence being held in Singapore later this year.

Coming up

  • School closed Monday 24 October and Tuesday 25 October for Shemini Atseret and Simchat Torah
  • Year 9 Information Evening about Chavayah 2017, Wednesday 26 October 7 pm, Millie Phillips Theatre
  • Knowing Me Knowing You, Year 5, Thursday 27 October 6 pm, MPH
  • Year 10 Information Evening about Chavayah, 2016, Thursday 27 October 7 pm, Millie Phillips Theatre
  • Night of Song, Tuesday 1 November, 6 pm, MPH
  • Year 7 2017 Parent and Student Information Evening, Wednesday 2 November 7 pm, Millie Phillips Theatre
  • Writers’ Awards, Thursday 3 November, 7 pm, Millie Phillips Theatre
  • Last Day of the HSC Examinations Friday 4 November

Quote of the week

‘If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.’ [Mary Pickford (1893 – 1979)]

Best wishes for a relaxing weekend and Chag Samaech.