Issue 32 Volume 31 20 Oct 2023 5 Heshvan 5784

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

It takes a village….

The phrase ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ originates from an African proverb. The Emanuel School village exists year-round, to provide a safe, caring and healthy environment for our students/your children. Our village seeks to provide the security required for them to develop and flourish, and to be able to achieve their hopes and dreams.

The Emanuel School village consists of our staff, our families and our friends, working together, with the same message, to support each other in the tough times, and to celebrate together in the good times. Our Jewish School village stands out as a lighthouse of belonging and connectedness in an often fragmented and isolated society. In light of current events, we need to be prepared for a protracted, ‘long game’. Our parent villagers are working in close partnership with our staff villagers, to provide the 24/7, consistent care that our students (and our families) will need.

As events continue to unfold in Israel, generating varying degrees of distress, anxiety and grief, we hope that our school village will provide a much-needed safe haven. This brings to mind a quote that surfaced during the pandemic:

We are not all in the same boat
We are all in the same storm
Some of us are on super-yachts
Some of us have just one oar

We will continue to do our best to meet the needs of all those in our community, with a particular focus on supporting ‘those with one oar’ within our village. Since the conflict commenced our villagers have been busy putting supports in place for our young people and our staff, as well as reaching out to our families, with updates and advice. We have also reached out to support those organisations that are providing financial aid to the people of Israel. It has also been encouraging for our staff to receive messages of support and appreciation from both our families and the broader Jewish community. Our Parents and Friends Association provided muffins for our staff, which were well received and families and staff were involved in the Together with Israel Challah Bake. There is a daily check-in with our staff members who are struggling at the moment.

Our School has adopted a three pronged response in relation to the tragedy in Israel, based on ancient Jewish responses, -Tefillah, Tzedakah and Chesed – prayer, giving and kindness. All these actions are about keeping Israel in mind, building our connection to Israel and supporting each other. The following events have taken place over the last week:

  • Yair Miller (UIA) addressed our High School assembly, with an important messages about the conflict in Israel. He also offered a more detailed session to our Years 9 and 10 students, during which students had a chance to ask the questions on their minds. 
  • Kornmehl Pre-School held a coffee, cupcake and fruit morning, to raise funds for Israel.
  • Students have been writing letters to students and soldiers in Israel. Many students made an effort to write beautiful messages, specifically in Hebrew, as a show of solidarity and connection to Israel. 
  • Lunchtime information and debriefing sessions, led by Kobi Bloom, are being held for High School students, while Adam Carpenter has been holding age-appropriate discussions with Years 5 and 6 in the Primary School. 
  • Students dressed in blue and white today, to express solidarity with Israel and to raise funds for Israel (UIA). 
  • All students from Kornmehl to Year 12 have been sent home with Shabbat candles this week, to unite in lighting candles in prayer for Israel. 
  • A challah bake is planned for the Jewish Life team for next week.

The B’Yachad Building is open!

It has been a very long time since planning commenced on a wonderful new building. Our staff and students moved into the B’Yachad Building on Wednesday, after a brief ceremony with Primary students, in the new playground. To describe the building as ‘impressive’ and ‘beautiful’ feels like an understatement. Suffice to say that our Kindergarten, Year 5 and 6 teachers and students are well pleased to at last enjoy their new learning spaces. We look forward to the formal Opening Ceremony!

Mazal Tov

Marcus Tsimbler (Year 11) & Alex Kirievsky (Year 11) have been selected to compete in the Club Based NSW State Development Basketball League (D-League) which is a tournament run by BB NSW over the course of two weekends. For Marcus and Alex to be selected into this tournament they would be considered to be in the top 30 best Basketball players in Metropolitan NSW. The tournament is not a direct pathway into the NSW State Basketball team, but as result of being selected they increase their chances of being picked for the U18 NSW State Team next year, having competed and played alongside the best of the best.

Quote of the Week

Peace is the only battle worth waging. ~ Albert Camus