Issue 32 Volume 31 20 Oct 2023 5 Heshvan 5784

Candles to light for Shabbat

Adina Roth – Head of Jewish Life

Every Emanuel student was sent home today with candles to light for Shabbat.

It has been Jewish practice for thousands of years to light candles as the sun is setting on a Friday to bring light and warmth into the home. Especially at this time, we want as much light as possible. Some families have a custom of lighting two candles for the entire family, while other people light one candle for each member of a family. Many people are adding candles at the moment for the safety of soldiers, for Israel and for peace.  

We light the candles, wave our hands three times, bring our hands to cover our eyes and recite the blessing. Afterwards, if you wish, take a few moments to include and incorporate additional prayers for your family, the community, Israel and all people suffering in this war and in the world.

Candle lighting in Sydney tonight is at 6.54 pm. Our Emanuel community can unite as one, over our own Shabbat tables, as we bring more light into this world.  


Wishing our entire Emanuel community a Shabbat Shalom

שבת שלום