Volume 29 Issue 18 19 Jun 2020 27 Sivan 5780

From the Principal

Andrew Watt – Principal

National survey on home-based learning

In May, MMG in collaboration with the Australian Heads of Independent Schools Association (AHISA), conducted an online survey of parents, teachers and students in relation to home-based learning during the school shutdown period across Australia. Some of the key insights and learnings that have emerged from the national survey include:

  1. The identification of two distinct student groups and the need to tailor engagement and strategies accordingly. Some students struggled to remain on task and work without direct supervision whilst others thrived with working at their own pace;
  2. Many students developed independence, time management and organisational skills over this remote learning period, whilst others struggled to work online each day;
  3. Teachers quickly learned many new skills that could be integrated into their classroom teaching environment. The importance of using different teaching techniques and activities to keep the range of students (ability levels and motivation) engaged, was recognised;
  4. The significant reduction of duties, meetings and administrative tasks enabled teachers to focus on their core responsibility of the academic progress and wellbeing of their students; and
  5. Challenges with fatigue and boredom associated extended screen time, lack of face-to-face contact, stress and anxiety related to the changed circumstances required creative online support and encouragement.

With over 13 000 respondents, the key findings that have emerged are broadly consistent with our experience. As we continue to reflect on our E-manuel remote learning platform, there are many ‘positives’ that we hope to embed into our classroom practices, academic and wellbeing programs. These outcomes will be the ‘silver linings’ of what has otherwise been a challenging and steep learning curve. Our hope is that we will emerge back into our ‘normal’ way of life a little wiser, more appreciative of the small things and mindful of the value of our wonderful Emanuel School community.

The new normal?

As COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed across Australia, the term new normal has surfaced, which identifies aspects within our society that have (and may remain) changed forever due to COVID-19. Examples include our deeper engagement with digital learning technologies and our increased awareness of the need to maintain hand hygiene and physical distancing. Within our student community, we are seeking to ensure that the new normal does not include a more relaxed attitude towards punctuality to class, respectful communication, neat uniform and appearance. Any reinforcement that parents can offer will be greatly appreciated, as we seek to return to the old normal in these areas!

Thank you

A huge ‘toda raba’ to parents, for your patience, as you have negotiated our staged finish times and modified ‘Go With The Flow’ arrangements. The levels of congestion and other traffic issues have reduced significantly and allowed the School and the surrounding streets to be manageable at this time. Our current arrangements will continue for the final two weeks of Term 2 and will return to our usual hours from next term.

Mazal tov

Jonah Trope, Andrew Watt, Gabriella Goodridge and Kristy Genc

Gabriella Goodridge (Year 12) and Jonah Trope (Year 10), were recognised for their outstanding performances at NSWCIS Carnivals in Swimming and Cricket, respectively. Unfortunately their medals could not be presented in front of the School due to the cancellation of assemblies. However, I took the opportunity to congratulate them, along with Kristy Genc, Head of Sport, and mark the occasion with a celebratory photograph. 

Yasher Koach to Nathan Isaac, whose mum, Perlita Benhayon (Class of 1989), was part of the initial intake of Emanuel students in 1983. Nathan, who is a professional dancer and amateur singer, recently entertained the judges and audience on The Blind Auditions of the Voice. His expressive interpretation of You Spin Me Round may not be suitable for your younger children, but he’s a great talent to watch. 

Quote of the week

“I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.”
Anne Frank