Volume 26 Issue 22 04 Aug 2017 12 Av 5777


Claire Pech – Careers Advisor

E-Zone 2017

This year I am trying a new format in our Annual Careers E-Zone Event. This is now my fourth Annual Emanuel Careers event and each year we tweak the format to see what engages students the most.

This year we have 22 Alumni Emanuel professionals to come in to School to showcase their industry knowledge and experience. Sonia Newell (Development officer) and I have secured speakers from a range of occupations including Archaeology, Sociology, Science, Engineering, Business, Finance, Real Estate, Media, Health, Music, Architecture, Teaching, Human Resources, Visual Arts to mention a few.

The speakers are coming in during Week 5 and Year 11 and Year 12 have completed choices of speakers. A snapshot of these speakers are below and we are really excited to host them here at Emanuel so our students can pick their brains about their current careers, how they got to where they are and what have been career high and low lights.


Ari Shammay


Waste Water Engineer

Sonia Isaacs


PhD Science

Carla Frankel


Environmental Engineer

Cody Aaron


Engineer & Business Consultant

Jerome Bowman


UX Designer

Arts/Humanities/Law/ Sociology Room

Eve Guerry



Michele Levine



Leo Kohn


Overseas Volunteer & Lawyer

Diana Borinski


Sociologist and Psychology Counselling

Talia Hynek


Primary Teacher

Business/Finance/Real Estate Room

Craig and Darren Fine


Real Estate

Shaun Katz


Asset Management

Justin Doobov



Leigh Golombick


Human Resources

Marc Jocum



Silvia Malki


Property Recruitment

Media/Health/Music/Design/ Photography/Visual Arts Room

Alan Harca



Guy Fenton



Sam Weiss



Alex Weltlinger



Rachel Buch


Visual Artist

This will be a great spread of professionals across many areas who we hope will inspire and educate our students about the world of work and what to look forward to in life after Emanuel!


UNSW – Law Admissions Test. Register with ACER website ACER website. Registrations close at Friday 11 August 2017.
UNSW – Elite Athlete and Performers. Every year I am asked about this and as UNSW is so popular for Emanuel students please enquire about their very specific requirements at unsw.edu.au/eap which requires a separate application for Year 12s applying for their courses.

UAC – Open for business. UAC is officially open for business today at time of writing (Wednesday 2 August). As Year 12s are in trials we won’t be registering or looking into this until Week 5 where I will do a walk through. PIN numbers were sent to all year 12s via email, so please check this in your email inbox and keep the details as they are very important.