Volume 26 Issue 22 04 Aug 2017 12 Av 5777

Gifted and Talented News

Colleen Elkins – G&T Co-ordinator

Suzanne Plume and I were most fortunate to be able to attend the 22nd Biennial World Conference for the Gifted at The UNSW recently. The theme was ‘Global Perspectives in Gifted Education’.

Presenters from all over the globe flew in to present workshops and their latest research on Gifted Education. We spent 4 days with the ‘giants’ of Gifted Education, listening to and lunching with people like Professor Karen Rogers, Professor June Maker and Emeritus Professor Mirica Gross. The event afforded us the invaluable opportunity to exchange ideas with educators of the gifted – inspiring each other with every word and setting up connections for the future. We were able to ponder possible new directions, discuss strategies and reflect on our practice.

Mrs Suzanne Plume (a veritable giant on the subject herself) with Professor Karen Rodgers, University of St Thomas’ Minnesota (invited keynote speaker).

We heard, too, from exciting local advocates of Gifted and Talented Education, like Dr Ben North who is amongst other things, consulting with the NSW Educational Standards Authority on the policy writing surrounding the implementation of gifted provisions within schools.

Dr Susan Smith introducing Professor Karen Rogers

We are most grateful for the opportunity afforded us and look forward to ensuring that we are applying best practice in our roles.

Colleen Elkins