Volume 31 Issue 20 30 Jun 2022 1 Tammuz 5782

Primary News

Natanya Milner – Head of Primary School

Well, they say that time flies when you’re having fun and this must be true, given it feels like Term 2 started just a couple of weeks ago. It has been a busy term with Music Camp, the Athletics Carnival, Shavuot celebrations and so much more.

I would like to thank the teachers and support staff for making this term such a success.

I would also like to thank the children for their engagement and energy and our community for your on-going care and support.

Year 6 staffing

Dale Kessler has been teaching 6 Rehovot since the beginning of the year and she leaves us at the end of this term. I would like to thank Dale for all her hard work this semester with her class and with Year 6 leadership. We wish her all the very best for her next adventures and hope she will remain connected with us. I would like to welcome Leanne Cresswell to the Emanuel team. We look forward to her teaching 6R for the remainder of the year. Welcome, Leanne!


It’s Semester 1 report time! I encourage you to take time to look through these reports as they include a wealth of information about the programs being taught, the expected outcomes and your child’s achievement and effort across the subject areas. I encourage you to look at this report and decide on the best way to share this information with your child. For some children, this may include sitting down and looking through the report together. For others, it may be that you provide a summary of key achievements and areas for improvement. Either way, I encourage you to ensure that you share these insights in order to set goals together for Semester 2.

Athletics Carnival

This week’s Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival was a wonderful success, despite the wind and icy temperatures. There was wonderful participation from the students and outstanding results across the age groups. Well done to all the students who ran, jumped, threw and cheered! I would like to thank the parents and grandparents who braved the elements and joined us for the day and thanks goes to all the staff who helped the day run so smoothly.

A huge thanks to the Sport and PE Departments who organised the event and particularly to Stuart Taylor, who led the coordination of the carnival. Thank you to Ofer Levy for taking photographs.

100 Days of School

This week, Kindy celebrated 100 days of school. It was so special to see the children dressed up and enjoying sharing this special milestone with our community and the Years 1 and 2 students. Thank you to the wonderful Annabelle Turrall and Leisha Strub for organising the celebrations and to the parents and grandparents who joined us.

Tanakh Pathways Ceremony

This morning I attended a very beautiful and moving Pathways ceremony, where we celebrated giving our Year 4 and new Year 5 students their first Tanakhim. Sharing special moments like this, and witnessing the joy and pride of the families involved, has helped end the term on a high. Thank you to Adam Carpenter, Bec Gaida, Stacey Rosenfeld and the Jewish life team for organising this special event. 

Staff Development Day

On Friday, the staff will be working hard on various projects we are focusing on this year. We will be having a session to continue our work reviewing our current behavioural expectations and plans for the Primary School. The entire staff will also be involved in Cultural Competence Training and I look forward to learning more about ways we can embed respect and understanding in all that we do.

Happy holidays

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday break and look forward to seeing the children back at school for Term 3 on Tuesday 19 July 2022.