Volume 25 Issue 4 24 Feb 2017 28 Shevat 5777

Culture of Honesty and the Boomerang System

Maxine Chopard – Assistant to Deputy Principal

Culture of honesty and the Boomerang system

Building and supporting a culture of honesty is an important part of everyday life at Emanuel.

All students know to bring lost and found items either to the ‘red bin’ outside The Aron Kleinlehrer Performing Arts Centre (PAC) or to my office (next door to the PAC). To facilitate return of lost items, all students know to write their names on all their belongings. I have permanent markers available.

Students are encouraged not to take and keep items which do not belong to them.

In recent times we’ve had some expensive items go missing. Students have lost earphones, chargers, expensive drink bottles and uniform items like blazers and ties.

There is always the chance that an item is accidently picked up. In such cases, it only needs to be dropped into the red bin or my office and I will return it to the owner. Unclaimed items go on the ‘free’ table twice each term.

The Boomerang process is working well. Students, when loaned uniform items, are efficient in ‘boomeranging’ items back to me. Umbrellas, too, are making their way back to the grey baskets. This is a celebration of honesty.