Volume 25 Issue 4 24 Feb 2017 28 Shevat 5777

From the Head of English

David Camp – Head of English

Year 7 Poetry

Last week, students in Year 7 English worked on consolidating their knowledge of poetic techniques and developing new skills in applying this knowledge to writing poetry. Students read the poem ‘The Sea is a Hungry Dog’, which is an extended metaphor. Students were encouraged to write their own extended metaphor poems, two of which are below:

A dream is a butterfly by Anna Davis

A dream is a butterfly, fluttering here and there,

Flying unhindered, without logic nor care.

With whooshing wings whispering, sweet music all night,

Strange colour’s beauty inconceivable in our dull daylight.

It flits from flower to fantasy to dream,

A world of our own, where, it would seem,

The butterfly flies backwards, upside-down,

Spins and pirouettes, topsy-turvy, the wrong way round.

A butterfly so sweet and strange, secrets and song,

An insect, a bug… yet so lovely, a fairy all along.

An elven magic of mystique and wonder,

The delicate wings take us far and yonder.

A butterfly so fragile, a spell often broken,

A beautiful pleasure, yet always, we are woken

To a menial day, ever dull and weary,

Yet then we dream and nothing is dreary.

Rain is a lion by Jesse Herdan

Rain is a lion,

Roaring down to earth.

Consuming everything from birth,

Its prey stands no chance,

Continuing for hours like a macabre dance.

At any time it could pounce,

Waiting and waiting.


But when the lion’s full,

And he retreats,

Fear is in the air,

Waiting and waiting.

The attack is imminent,

The Lion needs to eat.


There will be poetry writing competitions announced throughout the year – we look forward to reading students’ entries.