Volume 28 Issue 12 03 May 2019 28 Nisan 5779

Yom HaShoah

Holocaust Commemoration – Memorials and Memories

On Sunday last week, our Emanuel High School Madrichim participated in our community’s Yom HaShoah commemoration, “Memorials and Memories”, organised by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.

Below are some of their reflections:

Rabbi Daniel Siegel

Noah Klein

Coming together as a community, we heard from a range of speakers who spoke about the horrors of the Holocaust and how we can make sure that this will happen ’Never again.’

We heard musical performances which moved us deeply, and we ended the ceremony and commemoration with the Israeli anthem “Hatikvah.” The whole room rejoiced and belted out the words of Hatikvah and truly gave us ‘Hope’ for the future generations of Jewry around the world. 

Lara Rutstein

The Yom HaShoah commemoration was an inspiring event. Being part of hundreds of people, coming together as one community, was a truly moving experience and one I will not forget. I felt incredibly proud to represent not only our School but to be present for our ancestors who suffered through this dark period of our history.

Rachel Turtledove

It was inspiring to hear the stories of Holocaust survivors, as well as how we, as the next generation of Australian Jews, can continue to honour and commemorate those who lost their lives during the Holocaust. Being surrounded by hundreds of other members of our community, singing Hatikvah together and commemorating the precious lives lost, was an experience I will not forget and one that I was very proud to be a part of. 

Isabella Flax

Attending the community Yom HaShoah commemoration was a truly inspiring and important experience. It was fascinating to hear from a range of speakers, each of whom addressed various aspects of the Shoah. These all revolved around the theme of the event, which was ‘Memorials and Memories.’ It was an incredibly meaningful and moving evening and taught me a lot about the Shoah.

Mia Port

The Yom HaShoah commemoration was an emotional and respectful memorial of both those who perished and survived the Holocaust. The lighting of the candles in memory of the survivors’ families that perished was very moving.

Mia Shapiro

During this event, we listened to community representatives and Holocaust survivors talk about the horrors  of the Shoah, as we paid respects to the 6 million Jewish people who perished. This somber event, allowed  me to feel the support within the community and helped me understand how incredibly lucky we are to be able to speak to and hear from survivors. This was a very meaningful event and I was proud to represent our School.

Eden Sadra

Sunday’s Yom Hashoah ceremony was both solemn and incredibly moving. With hundreds of people sitting together, listening and singing, it became apparent to me, how truly important it is to never forget. We hear it over and over, and we learn about it throughout high school, but the immense significance of it had never been so apparent to me as I sat there in awe, actively listening and appreciating such incredible stories. I was honoured to have our amazing Madrichim body by my side as we furthered our understanding and appreciation of one of the most devastating events in human history, and one that moves us to strengthen our Judaism to make it something very special.