Volume 29 Issue 5 28 Feb 2020 3 Adar 5780

Year 7 Camp – Rabin

Camp Somerset 

Activities at camp

What were your favourite activities and why?

Gemma, Jordan, Sam and Harry: Our two favourite activities were the milk crate stacking and the wombat hole! We enjoyed the milk crate stacking because it was challenging and got us to face our fears as well as, we learnt to work in a group and to trust our peers. The other reason for why we liked the wombat hole is that it got us to use our brains in several different ways like figuring out which way to go, where we were in the maze, but most importantly it also pushed us out of our comfort zones and let us learn to trust ourselves.

What were the most challenging activities and why?

Ashley: For me, the most challenging activities were, high ropes and Our Campsite Rules. The reason why high ropes was so challenging is because some of the different courses were really challenging and some were also a little bit scary.

The reason why My Campsite Rules was so hard is because we all wanted to cut the vegetables and we all wanted to have a go. Another reason of why it was so hard was because it was very squished and we had to cooperate.

Jack: The most challenging activities were the wombat hole and hiking as it was really hard to be in such a small humid space and to walk so much in the heat.

Jethro: The most challenging activities were milk crate stacking and hiking in the heat.

Henry: the wombat hole and trying to stop our tents from blowing away and collapsing in the storm.  


What are two false funny stories from camp involving your group?

Lexi: when Jack got stuck on the high ropes but pulled himself up after. 

Max: When I kept on failing the rope swing. It was really funny cause I kept on trying and on the last one I finally did it.

Ella: When Henry got stuck in the wombat hole and was screaming, but then he got out. When it was storming, our tents were flooding and we were screaming for our lives and Ari was sleeping peacefully.

Lexi: when our camp leader Joe, told us that there was a trap door in the wombat hole that took us towards the river.

Learning on camp

What did you learn most about yourselves and/or your peers on this camp?

Ruby: I learnt at camp was that in order to work as a team you need to be patient and respect others even if you will have to wait for others. 

Chelsea: that we all love our house and would do anything for each other. And that we always have someone to go to.

Dylan: I learnt that you don’t want to slam the bathroom door because Joe will make you do 50 push ups.

Ariel: I learnt that when you work as a team you get things done numerous times faster. I also learnt that preconceived notions of liking or disliking a food or activity can affect whether or not you enjoy food or an activity. 

What did you learn about and from the Peer Support on camp? What did your time with your Peer Support Leaders mean to you?

Amari: The peer support leaders taught us to never give up and to always persist in all the activities that we did. They taught us how to talk about our feelings in deep and meaningful conversations. I learnt that they are all really fun and just want to have fun and teach life lessons. I also learnt about their personalities and I found that they were very supportive in basically everything.

Gabi: The peer support leaders gave us many deep and meaningful conversations which we all took part in. They encouraged us to speak our minds and opinions and to respect everybody else’s ideas. They helped many of us feel comfortable and safe during the camp and devoted a lot of their time to help care for us and make the camp more fun. They made the whole experience more enjoyable and without them, the camp would not have been the same.

Edited by: Lexi, Gemma, Jack and Elias