Volume 29 Issue 25 21 Aug 2020 1 Elul 5780

Year 6 Music

Music at Emanuel 

COVID-19 has had a dramatic effect on music at Emanuel School and in fact, music around the world. For many of us, COVID-19 has made it difficult to play and sing together, not just here but at synagogues and in the wider community. Although extra curricular music has been put on hold temporarily, our classrooms are still open and busy with music making.

What does music in the classroom look like at the moment? Our teachers and students are busy playing xylophones, other percussion instruments and body percussion. Our classrooms are still exciting and sometimes very noisy! Music is a very important part of our learning in the Primary School. Music has been shown to have a positive impact on thinking, memory, emotional wellbeing and creativity so it is important that we continue to make music in adapted ways. At home, you can make music as a family using household objects, instruments and online resources like YouTube. This will enhance your family time, create positivity and a break from screens. 

We hope that extra curricular music and all the benefits of our full music program will come back very soon and we can enjoy the benefits of singing and playing in big groups together again.

By Phoebe Machlin, Johnny Menczel, Rory Nathan and Oliver Allen 
The Year 6 Music Leaders