Volume 25 Issue 2 10 Feb 2017 14 Shevat 5777

Whom to Contact

Margaret Lowe – Deputy Principal

Whom to contact if you have a query or problem

Years K-6 parents

Step 1

For a welfare or academic issue one approaches the class teacher.

Step 2

If the issue is not resolved with the class teacher one approaches the Deputy Head of Primary (Emma Clemens), or the Director of Studies (Helen Maynard) for an academic matter.

Step 3 –  (Unresolved problems)

Head of Primary (Natanya Milner)

Step 4

If the problem is still unresolved after Step 3 one approaches the Principal (Anne Hastings). If the matter that you wish to discuss is particularly sensitive or an emergency of some sort, you may wish to contact a senior person in the first instance.

Years 7-12 parents

Step 1

For a welfare issue one approaches the House Tutor.

For a classroom/subject issue one approaches the class/subject teacher.

Step 2

If the subject issue is not resolved with the class teacher one approaches the Head of Department. If the welfare situation is not resolved with the House Tutor one approaches the Head of House.

Step 3 –  (Unresolved problems)

Years 7-12: Director of Studies – Subject/Curriculum matters (Adam Majsay)

Years 7-12: Deputy Principal (Margaret Lowe)

Step 4

If the problem is still unresolved after Step 3 one approaches the Principal (Anne Hastings). If the matter that you wish to discuss is particularly sensitive or an emergency of some sort, you may wish to contact a senior person in the first instance.

Jewish life queries

For answers to questions about Emanuel’s Jewish life, one approaches the Heads of Jewish Life (Rabbi Daniel Siegel for Years 7-12 or Adam Carpenter for Years K-6)

IT issues

Step 1

Approach the IT staff

Step 2

If the issue is not resolved with the IT staff approach the ICT Manager (Zoran Taleski) for technical issues, or Director of eLearning (Garry Case) for educational issues.

Step 3

If the issue is not resolved approach the Business Manager (Jillian McCormick).

Step 4

If the problem is still unresolved after Step 3 one approaches the Principal (Anne Hastings). If the matter that you wish to discuss is particularly sensitive or an emergency of some sort, you may wish to contact a senior person in the first instance.

Board issues

The governing Board of the School is responsible for ensuring that the School’s aims and ethos are established and implemented, as well as determining the strategic objectives and the direction of the School. Any general matters relating to Board issues can be addressed directly to the President of the Board in writing. Matters to do with fees or other financial matters should be referred to the Business Manager.


The person who is ultimately responsible for dealing with a grievance identified by a parent at Emanuel School is the Principal or the Principal’s appointed delegate. If the issue is not dealt with appropriately by the Principal, the parent can make a written appeal to the President of the Board.

Board issues

Any general matters relating to Board issues can be addressed directly to the President of the Board in writing. Matters to do with fees or other financial matters should be referred to the Business Manager.

Whom to contact about absences from school

Please email absence@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au or telephone 8383 7311 by 8 am on the morning of an absence or when requesting early leave or late arrival. For longer absences please email the Head of Primary, Natanya Milner for Years K-6 students (nmilner@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au) or the Deputy Principal, Margaret Lowe for Years 7-12 students (mlowe@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au).