Volume 28 Issue 28 06 Sep 2019 6 Elul 5779

Student and Parent Reading Initiatives

David Camp – Head of English

Years 7 – 8 parent/student reading initiative: miSipur leSipur   מסיפור לסיפור

This holiday the High School Library staff are introducing a Years 7 – 8 parent/student reading initiative: miSipur leSipur. The aim is for you and your child to choose, and read, the same book at the same time. The Library will supply you with a list of available titles, two copies of your chosen text, and a list of possible questions to help get your discussion started.

Is your child a reluctant reader?

Reading is hard … for everyone. Reluctant readers often need adult encouragement and self-belief to get started. Think of it as a recreational reading partnership.

What’s the point of recreational reading?

Reading can offer an escape from study or a busy social life. It can transport to real and imaginary places, clarify thoughts and feelings, build empathy and understanding for others, identify and tackle world issues, and be a gateway to conversations with family and friends. A recommended title, followed by a discussion over dinner, can often help a reluctant reader see social value in reading.

How can you share a love of stories with your reluctant reader?

Choose and read a book together, then chat about the characters and themes along the way. You would be modelling reading while also demonstrating the value you place on adolescent fiction. Or, just read to each other. It’s a fun bonding exercise and is often forgotten when children start secondary school.

If you and your child would like to participate in this initiative please email the Library seniorlibrary@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au by Wednesday 11 September 2019. With your support we aim to build a culture of readers and reading at Emanuel School.