Volume 28 Issue 35 08 Nov 2019 10 Heshvan 5780

Saving a Life Can Save a Whole World

Daphna Levin-Kahn – Head of Jewish Studies High School

As part of our Jewish Life program at Emanuel School, and in direct connection to several of the Year 9 Jewish Studies Electives, the Save A Child’s Heart (SACH Australia) organisation, www.saveachildsheart.org/ brought their guest presenter to Emanuel. Our Year 10 students have a special time visiting SACH in Israel during Chavayah each year.Y ared Wolde, from Ethiopia was one of the earliest recipients of the lifesaving humanitarian treatment provided by SACH in Israel. Yared shared his story, his personal journey and his special vision of giving back. He talked about his School of St Yared (www.schoolofstyared.com/) that provides an excellent education to over 250 impoverished children from the poorest suburbs of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. 

Below are reflections from Eden Grynberg and Joshua Moses:

I found every aspect of Yared’s story truly inspirational, but I found it especially amazing how after his surgery he was able to gain his health back and did everything he could to help the kids that were in his previous situation. It inspired me to help others and showed me that even if you come from nothing you have the chance to make a difference.

The fact that he kept going at 6 years old. It amazes me that a 6 year old, even after going through what Yared went through, had such determination to keep on living and not just give in. It amazes me that even after he got the medical treatment that he deserved and got education, he decided to give back rather than just propelling himself further. It is quite amazing that he gives back even when he didn’t get what he should’ve been getting. 

Save A Child’s Heart is an amazing organisation who do so much to help others. Today I learnt that the purpose of this organisation is to help the kids in the most desperate condition. They save those kids from places where they have no chance and they give them a chance at a better life. They have already saved so many children through their program and I don’t think they plan on stopping anytime soon, it really is an amazing thing they are doing.

Save A Child’s Heart, is a foundation to save children around the world, regardless of country, language or ethnicity and help those with heart conditions. They are in essence a charity, that tries to save those that can’t be saved in their own country because of either money or available care and bring them to Israel to give them treatment.