Volume 32 Issue 18 23 Jun 2023 4 Tammuz 5783

Primary School Chess

Jessica Lopis – Year 6

I am the Primary School Chess Leader. Besides playing chess, I love to read, play sports like tennis and jiu jitsu, and write. 

K-2 Chess

For students in Years K-2, you can go to Chess Club on Monday lunchtime. It is run by Mrs Esra and me. Currently, we are doing an in-school tournament, where the students have the choice to compete or not. It is a relaxed tournament, where we do one round per week. 

3-6 Chess 

For students in Years 3-6, there are two main options. On Tuesday at lunchtime you can go to the Year 3 classroom to play games against other students. It is run by some Year 10 students. 

For a more thorough lesson, on Friday at lunchtime you can go to Chess Club in the Library. This one is run by Ms Hards and Mr Feldman. 

Chess teams

For students in Years 3-6, you can be selected to represent Emanuel School in chess tournaments every week. These take place after school on a Friday. You can be considered for one of the two teams by coming to the Friday Chess Club.

Here are the teams for this term:

Team A

  1. Brody Reid
  2. Eliott Turbon
  3. Simon Smagarinski
  4. Gem Roff-Nassi

Team B

  1. Ryan Miller
  2. Jessica Lopis
  3. Jesse Churnin
  4. Jacob Besser

If you or someone you know would like to join one of these clubs, they can either ask Ms Hards, Mrs Esra or myself for more information.