Volume 28 Issue 31 27 Sep 2019 27 Elul 5779

Primary News

Natanya (Tany) Milner – Head of Primary

Thank you all for a wonderful term. I hope everyone enjoys a safe holiday break and a beautiful time over the high holidays. Wishing you all shana tova and g’mar chatimah tova.

Just a reminder that students return to school in summer uniform on Thursday 17 October 2019. There will be the usual lice check on this date. Also, please note that we are closed on 21 and 22 October  2019 for Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

Northern Territory Adventure

Last week, forty-four lucky people from our Emanuel community were blessed to be able to spend time in the Northern Territory. We visited beautiful waterholes and national parks as well as spending time with the Jilkminggan community. During our trip, we were fortunate to swim with the Jilkies, cooked challah in the ovens, barramundi and vegetables in the ground. We played lots of sport and created books together. Thank you to the children and parents for a fabulous week and a HUGE thank you to our staff, Gabi Wynhausen, Belinda Gold and Renee Segal for their assistance and for ensuring the smooth running of this trip.

The highlight for me was definitely Jilk. I loved meeting the kids. They were all so kind, considerate and thoughtful. I really enjoyed making the fire and cooking the barramundi and vegetables. Elias Davis

I loved laughing with my friends and hugging the wallabies. I also loved Edith Falls and choosing a didgeridoo in Mindil Markets. Jonah Ernster

My highlight was playing AFL with the kids at Jilk. I also loved the Aboriginal experience with Manuel. We learnt how to paint and start a fire. We also tried to spear a cardboard kangaroo. Toby Seemann

I enjoyed playing with the little kids at Jilkminggan School. We made jewellery out of clay and I loved running around in the playground. Talia Franks

I loved the cultural experience in Katherine. It was very different to our normal lives because we got to experience a different culture. I also loved all the waterfalls. Violet Nathanson

Edith Falls was a mesmerising experience. First, we hiked to the waterfall. When we got there, we put our stuff down and swam and relaxed in the refreshing water. Jayden Segal

My favourite part of the trip was learning to play the didgeridoo because it was really hard and challenged me a lot. Aaron Berkowitz

HJEI Chess day

Our chess team played in the HJEI chess competition against Mount Sinai, Moriah and Kesser Torah this week. We were thrilled to walk away with the trophies for both the junior and senior divisions. Thank you to Colleen Elkins and Michael Todd for their tireless efforts and dedication to the chess teams. Please see Colleen’s report for further details.

 K-2 Gala Sports day

Thank you to Stuart Taylor for organising this year’s K-2 Gala Sports Day. It was a lovely way to end the term with rotational activities ranging from running through to gumboot throwing. A fun day was had by all.