Volume 32 Issue 19 29 Jun 2023 10 Tammuz 5783

Primary News

Natanya Milner – Head of Primary School


With holidays coming and hopefully a slower pace, I wanted to reinforce the importance of reading. We have many students who are avid readers and I know they will be excited for some extra time to dive into books. For those who may not yet be enthusiastic about reading, I encourage parents to try to find books that are likely to ‘hook’ your child in. Whether they be fiction or non-fiction, reading is such a foundational skill that impacts success at school across so many areas.

Here are some websites with great book recommendations for children of different ages: 

There are plenty more out there so feel free to explore…and visits to bookshops are fun too! 



Upcoming speakers

This is just a ‘heads up’ so you can save the date for some upcoming evening speakers who we have presenting to our Emanuel community in Terms 3 and 4. We are so excited to bring you the following options as they are of such a high quality and well-known experts in their fields. Please feel free to come to one or all…the more, the merrier!

Wednesday 2 August 2023 – Leonie Smith will be presenting online about being ‘Happy and Safe Online’
Monday 21 August 2023 – Pencil in this date as more information will be coming
Tuesday 7 November 2023 – Judith Locke (author of Bonsai Child) will be presenting on campus about ‘Confident and Capable’. Judith works with families and schools to provide proven solutions to cope with the ups and downs of life. 
Thursday 16 November 2023 – Karen Young will be presenting online about ‘Building Emotional Regulation and Self-Control in Children’

K-2 Athletics Carnival

This week, we held our inaugural K-2 Athletics Carnival. It was a wonderful event with enthusiastic participation from all the students. The activities ranged from sprints and long jump through to egg and spoon races and sack races. There was something for everyone!

A big thanks goes to Stuart Taylor and Mateusz Rabenda who organised this new and fabulous event for us and to all the staff who participated and made the day possible! Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends who came along to watch all the activity. We love having you there! Of course, thank you to Ofer Levy, our parent ohotographer, who captured the day so beautifully. 


A huge mazal tov to our Primary futsal teams who participated in the NSW Regional Futsal Championships this week. Our U12 boys won the Grand Final and now proceed to the NSW State Championships. What a huge achievement! Mazal tov to our Under 10 boys team, U10 and U12 girls teams. Thank you all for representing Emanuel School so proudly.


This morning we will be holding our Pathways event for Year 4 and new Year 5 students. Mr Carpenter has spent considerable time reviewing and changing this ceremony and I am excited to see it in action. I am writing this before the event so there will be more to come in a future Ma Nishma. Thank you to Mr Carpenter and all the Emanuel families who shared the morning with us.


NAIDOC Week is from Sunday 2 July 2023 – Sunday 9 July 2023 and it is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. There are many events on in Sydney over the holidays. Feel free to take a look here.

Wishing you all a happy and safe holiday break and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 18 July 2023.