Volume 29 Issue 14 22 May 2020 28 Iyyar 5780

Primary Environmental Leaders

Hello! We are the 2020 Primary Environmental Leaders. We come together with the Primary Green Team and our mentors, Ms Tritsch and Morah Ktalav, every fortnight. We aim to implement initiatives to increase our School’s environmental impact. Unfortunately with the recent Coronavirus, we are forced to stay at home, but even with this increasing threat, we can still provide simple but effective projects that you can do even during this pandemic! Here are some ideas:

How to easily regrow vegetables and fruit

Lettuce and  celery

Cut off approximately 2 inches (5cm) from the bottom of the lettuce or celery. Place in a container with water covering about a quarter of the vegetable. Transfer to soil after 5-7 days.


Simply get a small container and place an onion cut-off from the bottom in shallow water. Change water daily and wait for the magic to happen!

Want to regrow even more? Here is a link for more ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jze8utzpLhg

E-mail us photos of fruit and vegetables that you have regrown: greenfield.joel@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au and jadouin.daniel@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au

Stay safe and healthy during these uncertain times!

Year 6 Environmental Leadership Team,

Asher Filipczyk, Joel Greenfield, Daniel Jadouin and Eva Nabarro