Volume 32 Issue 24 18 Aug 2023 1 Elul 5783

Primary Chess

Jessica Lopis – Year 6

I am Jessica Lopis, the 2023 Chess Leader. Besides playing chess, I love to read, play sports like tennis and jiu jitsu, and write. 

Years K-2 Chess

For students in Years K-2, you can go to the chess club on Monday lunch that is run by Mrs Esra and I. In this club, we teach the basic rules and principles of chess, while trying to make it as fun and engaging as possible. For the students in Year 2, they have the option to compete in an inter-school tournament. One round per week is played, with the total number of points being tallied together.

Years 3-6 Chess 

For students in Years 3-6, on Friday lunch you can go to the Chess Club in the library. This club is run by Mr Feldman, and organised by Ms Hards. In this club, we are taught how to play chess, different tactics and strategies for the game, and to think before you move. In this Chess Club we play an inter-school tournament, consisting of one round per week. At the end of the term, points are tallied up. First place, second place and third place receive medals. 

For more information about either of these clubs, please come and see Mrs Esra, Ms Hards or myself.