Volume 29 Issue 12 08 May 2020 14 Iyyar 5780


Diana Springford – Head of Music

Extra-curricular Music Ensembles

Our conductors and band mentors have set up all choirs and instrumental ensembles online and have been busy putting lots of new repertoire for ensemble members to access through Stile (for Primary School) and Reshet (for High School). There are even some exciting projects to get involved with. In fact, we assume that as a member of these groups you will participate as you usually do, but in your own time. Please check in and participate because not only is it fun now, this changed mode of learning offers new opportunities for ensemble and choir learning that will make our ensembles and choirs even better when we are back to physical proximity and normal rehearsals. 

New material becomes available at the normal rehearsal time each week, so please check your ensemble/choir page shortly after the normal rehearsal time and please follow your conductor’s instructions.

Ensembles, Choirs and Music Tuition from Week 4

Partial return to school:

Students, teachers and tutors won’t all be back at school from the same date, and when they are physically back, they won’t necessarily be on site on the same day of the week. Eeek!

Private Tuition

  • Private tuition will continue but will transition to a combination of “in person” lessons and Zoom lessons. Lesson rooms may change considering a) the size of the room and b) the quality of the Wi-Fi.

The school is setting aside some larger rooms in the B Block for music tuition so that we have access to larger, better ventilated rooms and better Wi-Fi. Some tutors will be back on site and can give their lessons on site to students who are there too. If a tutor is on site, they can Zoom teach their students who are at home. In some cases, for students who are on site but whose tutors are not on site, we can provide supervision and support for students to Zoom from school to a tutor at home. Since the arrangement is different for every tutor/student situation, your tutor will communicate with you about this.

Ensembles and Choirs 

  • There will be instruction, activities and assignments online for your group up until live rehearsal is possible.

Again, this will depend upon the ensemble/choir, the membership profile, the day of the week, the size of the ensemble and the conductor’s situation. Most of our ensembles/choirs are made up of students from different year groups. Please wait for news from your own ensemble/choir conductor as to how things will proceed.

Instrument sundries

For those who need to stock up on replacement reeds, cleaning gear, strings, rosin and other bits and pieces, below are the website details for our local suppliers:

    • Sydney Band Instruments: here
    • Irwin Violins: here 
    • Sax and Woodwind: here
    • Prestige Musical Instruments: here

For Emanuel instruments needing repair, please email jdearaujo@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au with detailed information about the fault.

A note about new enrolments to ISP

We are regrettably unable to add new enrolments into the K-2 Infant Strings Program during this period of online learning. As soon as the situation changes, we will let you know.

 A note about new enrolments to Private Music Tuition  

In the case of private music lessons, we will need to review on a case-by-case basis new requests to enrol into private instrumental or voice lessons. For example, it is necessary in the current online environment for the enrolling student to have access to the instrument which they wish to use for private tuition and new ventures in online private music tuition are more likely to succeed where the student has a pre-existing experience of learning with a tutor (e.g. the student has been learning the instrument in IP, or is resuming private lessons after a break). However, we are open minded, so please ask.

New enrolment requests for private tuition here

Please contact Matilda Grieve by email to music@emanuelschool.nsw.edu.au if you have any questions about private music tuition.