Volume 27 Issue 24 17 Aug 2018 6 Elul 5778

Meir House

Adam Ezekiel – Head of Meir House

Last week students of Meir (better known as Meirians) received their Meir hats. Student’s were very excited to finally receive some Meir merchandise and have been wearing it proudly around the school. Thank you to all Year 11 Meirians who assisted in the design of the hats. There are 4 different types of hats, as you can see in the images.

Mr Gilhooly

This week at House Assembly Meir welcomed Mr Gilhooly to Meir House, who will be joining us as a ‘Support Tutor.’ The students are extremely excited to work with Mr Gilhooly and they have already tested his Science knowledge at House Assembly as a part of ‘Science Week’. Congratulations to Dan Bethlahem, who was the only Meirian who was able to defeat Mr Gilhooly in the Science quiz. 
Speaking of Science Week – congratulations to Meir Tutors, Ms Selinger and Ms Bishop on their outstanding work organising fun, games and incredible educational experiences throughout Science Week this week.
Shabbat Shalom and have a great weekend!