Issue 32 Volume 28 15 Sep 2023 29 Elul 5783

Machane Krembo 2023

Natali Tchelet- Head of Hebrew 7-12

Machane Krembo 2023

Machane Krembo is always a highlight for Year 8 Hebrew students and this year’s camp didn’t disappoint! Year 8 students had an enriching experience over three days, where they delved into the world of Israeli sporting events like the Maccabiah Games, explored Israeli achievements, and participated in many activities exploring modern Hebrew (and a bit of classical Hebrew too!). These experiences not only expanded the students’ vocabulary but also deepened their appreciation for Israel and the Hebrew language system. One of the best-loved activities was the preparation of the local version of the legendary Israeli Krembo dessert, made from a biscuit topped with meringue and drizzled with melted chocolate. 

Throughout their time at the camp, students were fully immersed in Hebrew language, picking up new words and phrases and trying them out on the Hebrew speakers around them. The camp was facilitated by the visiting Israeli madrichim מדריכים (leaders) and the מדריכים צעירים madrichim tzeirim (young leaders from Years 9 and 10), together with teachers Natali Tchelet, Ofira Walker, Jacqui Cohen and Eli Hajun. 

We were blown away by the רוח RUACH (team spirit) that truly transformed the experience and brought everyone together. This synergy between language immersion and the camp’s vibrant spirit created an unforgettable and unifying atmosphere for all participants.