Volume 29 Issue 17 12 Jun 2020 20 Sivan 5780

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

In recent weeks, students in Year 4 have been charting the journey and trials of Moshe and the Israelites in their wanderings through the wilderness of Sinai, following the Exodus from Egypt. We have explored ideas of leadership and freedom and have tried to ‘step into the sandals’ of Moshe and the Israelites to imagine their hopes, fears and challenges. 

We have had interesting discussions about challenges the Israelites faced in adjusting to their new reality and with their new found freedom, so much so that at times they complain and wish to be back in Egypt as slaves.  

When Moshe took his father-in-law’s advice to appoint magistrates to assist him in judging the people, the students reflected on the importance of:

  • offering helpful ideas, not just complaining about problems
  • kindness and teamwork
  • listening to other people’s ideas
  • give options and work together to explore solutions.

In the lead up to Shavu’ot, we read the Torah’s account in Exodus of the Mount Sinai experience. Students also learnt of various midrashim associated with Mount Sinai, including the teaching that every Israelite in every generation was present to receive the Torah.