Volume 32 Issue 16 09 Jun 2023 20 Sivan 5783

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

After a long break due to COVID, we have re-commenced our visits to The Burger Centre. These lunchtime visits are part of the Year 6 MAD (Making a Difference) Project, whose focus is on engaging with the elderly in our community and building intergenerational connections. 

Our Year 6 volunteers visit the Centre and its clients to chat and spend time together playing games. It is wonderful to see the interactions and hear the buzz of conversations during these visits. These interactions are highly anticipated and meaningful for both our students and the clients at The Burger Centre – we have a long list of students wanting to participate! We have also been able to connect with some grandparents of Emanuel School alumni, which is lovely. 

Sophia: “I had a lovely conversation with Joanne and we talked about everything. We spent the whole time chatting with each other, talking about our families, our backgrounds and our interests.”
Jessica: “This was my second visit to Burger Centre and I enjoyed talking to the clients there, playing board games with them and entertaining them with our table tennis match. ”