Volume 32 Issue 13 19 May 2023 28 Iyyar 5783

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

For the last couple of years, we have been fortunate to have an amazing group of student alumni in our Informal Jewish Life team working in the Primary School.

In addition to creating, planning and running Jewish Life activities, festival celebrations, informal classroom activities (called peulot) and leading Shabbat, weekly meetings with the Year 6 Jewish Life leaders provided opportunities for planning and developing leadership skills. This team of passionate and dedicated young role models, committed to engaging, enriching and educating our students is a wonderful asset for our school and students.

Our first dynamic duo of Joshua New and Mia Shapiro started in 2021. Together they created and innovated new programs and activities for our celebration of festivals and Shabbat, for the Year 6 Leadership Days and developed an experiential Shabbat program for Year 5 students involving Year 10 student leaders. Joshua finished up with us earlier this year as he moved to Perth and Mia will be finishing up in the coming weeks. Together they were an awesome team, much loved by staff and students. This was evident when Joshua visited the school last week and led our Shabbat celebrations. We will miss Mia and all that she brings and shares with the students, and wish her all the best on this next stage of her life in her studies and travels. 

This year we have been fortunate to have Mia working with our new team of alumni educators, Noah Klein and Olyvea Akres. Noah and Olyvea began midway through Term 1 and were put straight to work, planning and running Year 6 Leadership Day activities, Friday Shabbat and Purim, Pesach and Yom Ha’aztmaut celebrations. The Pesach video created with the Year 6 Jewish Life leaders, featuring Tany Milner as Pharaoh, was a hit amongst the staff and students. Lyv and Noah have big plans for the rest of the year and look forward to engaging with our students to explore and experience the richness of Jewish life and learning.