Volume 31 Issue 33 28 Oct 2022 3 Heshvan 5783

Ma Koreh

Adam Carpenter – Head of Jewish Life Primary

Our Year 1 and Year 3 students received their beautiful fired clay mezuzot and Rosh Hashanah plates, created during last term’s Grandparents and Friend Day workshops. The students were excited to receive back their creations and are looking forward to putting them to use. A klaf or Mezuzah scroll can be purchased online or at Gold’s Judaica, prior to affixing the mezuzah to a doorpost.

A big thank you to ceramicist and former Emanuel parent ,Lia Klugman, for assisting us in glazing and firing for this project.

Our Year 5 students have been learning about the Friday evening Shabbat rituals and blessings, working in groups to lead other students in a Shabbat celebration. Working with our informal Jewish Life Leaders Joshua New and Mia Shapiro, we had 2 groups of Year 5 students lead Shabbat for the Year 3 students in their classrooms this morning. Over the coming weeks the remainder of the groups will have the opportunity to put their knowledge and leadership skills to use to lead Year 3 and Year 4 students in their Friday morning Shabbat celebrations.