Volume 28 Issue 11 11 Apr 2019 6 Nisan 5779


Terry Aizen – Director Kornmehl


We are continuing to learn about Pesach, and we are doing this through a number of different ways. One way is through discussion and storytelling where we are sharing knowledge and understanding and gaining further insight into what the festival of Pesach means, its customs, rituals, symbols, and the foods we eat.

This past week the children have been immersed in drawing wild animals and frogs using a variety of mediums. We have also looked closely at all the foods on the Seder plate and learnt about their meaning.

We have participated in lots of cooking experiences, from matzah pizzas, to charoset, to dipping parsley in salt water and learning about the tears of the Jewish slaves in Egypt, to making matzah at the matzah factory.

The children have loved these interactive experiences and enjoyed all the tasting too. Through all these sensory and visual experience, the festival of Passover comes alive for the children and has meaning for them.

On Thursday, we all participated in our own interactive Kornmehl Pesach Seder. The children all arrived at Pre-school dressed in their best Shul clothes and were eager to participate in this long awaited Chag. The tables looked beautiful and the food was delicious. Each child participated in dressing up and dramatising the story. We had 3 King Pharaoh’s, 3 Moses characters, Yochevet, baby Moses in the basket and lots of slaves. What a triumph it was when Moses led us to the Red Sea, and it parted, and we were all led safely to freedom and the Land of Milk and Honey. We sang, rejoiced and ate delicious matzah ball soup, lots of Matzah and all the traditional foods too. We all had a wonderful time.  Our Seder ended with the children all going on a hunt to find the Afikomen.

Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers: Mrs Anna Tabachnik, Mrs Ella Lizor, Mrs Ali Bensaquen, Mrs Jade Marishel, Mrs Lindy Lowenstein, Mrs Nicola Zurnamer, Mrs Karen Drutman and Mrs Lauren Hockley. Thanks also to Mrs Anita Weinberger for doing all the shopping for the Seder. Your help is very much appreciated by all the teachers and the children.

Mother’s Day Breakfast

We look forward to sharing Mother’s Day with all our special mum’s next term on Monday morning – 13 May 2019 from 8.30am – 9.3 am in the Pre-school. The children look forward to this special morning together.

We require 5 dads to volunteer their time to help set up and get ready for the Mother’s Day breakfast at 7.30am on the 13 May 2019. Please let Terry know if you can help.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Sebastian Telesca (5). We hope you have a lovely birthday celebration.

Holiday Care

This will take place next week on Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 April 2019 from 8am to 4pm in the Pre-school.

We look forward to seeing you all back at Pre-school on Tuesday 30 April 2019.

We wish you all a Chag Sameach and a happy Pesach with your families.
