Volume 27 – Issue 29 21 Sep 2018 12 Tishri 5779


Terry Aizen – Director Kornmehl

Parent Involvement

Involving parents and grandparents in the life of our Pre-school adds enormous benefits and value to our program. We work hard to establish collaborative partnerships with families, recognising how important this is for each child to thrive, gain confidence and develop their emotional, social and spiritual well-being.

We invite parents to be a part of this journey through many different and varied avenues.

These include: Parent Club, Parent Partnership forms, Parent surveys, baking and cooking, gardening, Bush School, reading books, sharing a talent or hobby as well as inviting them to have input into our program through suggestions and ideas shared with educators.

Educators recognise that families are children’s first and most influential teachers. Partnerships are based on the foundations of understanding each other’s expectations and attitudes and build on the strength of each other’s knowledge.

It is very clear and evident to see as we approach the end of the third term of the year, how happy and settled the children are, how familiar they are with routines and expectations, how friendships have been established, how much trust each child shares with their educators and how much wonderful learning is taking place through the creative arts, through music and movement, through imaginative play and outdoor explorations. The list is endless…the possibilities endless…the fun and learning endless!

We are thrilled to have parents accompany us on this exciting journey with their children!


This term parents have been joining us for Shabbat each Friday morning when their child is sitting at the Shabbat table. It’s always very special to share Shabbat with parents and extended families. We value this time together. The children always feel so proud and happy to have their mishpacha join us and participate with enthusiasm and joy. This is another way to connect to families and to deepen relationships with them.

Buddy Reading

Each week our Year Two buddies come down to Kornmehl to connect with our children in the Pre-school and to share with them the gift of stories and reading. Many of the Year Two buddies previously attended Kornmehl and it is very exciting for them to be coming back and for us to see how much they have grown and how well they can read. Many of our buddies have siblings at Kornmehl, and this too is another special connection. All in all, our Buddy Reading program has enormous benefits for both parties and is something that we all look forward to each year.


This year we have had the most beautiful interactive and detailed Hebrew lessons with Morah Brocha – Mrs Jemma Lopis. Morah Brocha has made our Hebrew lessons fun, visual with lots of props and extremely interactive. The children have all looked forward to their Hebrew lessons each week and have gained lots of confidence with their Hebrew knowledge and vocabulary.

Sadly, we have to bid farewell to Morah Bracha at the end of next week, as she leaves to go on maternity leave to have her third special baby. We wish Morah Bracha lots of good health, happiness and nachas from the new addition to her family and we will miss our Hebrew lessons with her very much.

We look forward to welcoming Morah Michal Eilon to the Pre-school to continue with our Hebrew program into Term 4.

Happy Birthday

We wish a very happy birthday to Luca Schwartz (5) and Ariella Mervis (5). We hope you both had a very special day.

We wish you all a Chag sameach and a happy Sukkot.